NOTE: The Grand Jury referenced in the video above consists of Lawyers, Doctors, and other Witnesses who, like most people within this world, have been trained and conditioned throughout their lives to believe "Viruses" exist. Their primary concern and objective is not to expose the Reality and Truth that there are no "Viruses," but rather to prove that the alleged and so-called "Coronavirus Pandemic" is an event that was planned many decades ago with a nefarious purpose. Grand Jury Videos
Our Founder, Mike Singer, Was Honorably Re-Published By Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Author of the book Emerging Viruses AIDS and EBOLA, In The Front Page FEATURE Of Medical Veritas Online Journal. He Is Also The Founder Of And The National Militia Coordinator Within The USA.
The primary purpose of this website is to reveal the Truth about Viruses, Vaccines, and the New World Order, One World Government, Agenda for Social Engineering. We are exposing how "PLANdemics" are being strategically implemented to help facilitate the New World Order, One World Government, Agenda of depopulation and control. We are also highly motivated to promote natural Healing, Health, Fitness.
Here Is An Open & Candid Dialogue With The Founder Of, Michael Van Schaick (AKA, Mike Singer), Concerning No Isolation & Purification Of Alleged And So-Called "Viruses." There Are Only Disease-Causing Bio Weapons Manufactured In Pharmaceutical Laboratories. - SEVEN WATCH OPTIONS: Bitchute, YouTube, Facebook, Brighteon, Odysee, Rumble, UGETube
Here Is Our Most Recent Message To Governor Ron DeSantis In Florida - SEVEN WATCH OPTIONS: Bitchute, YouTube, Facebook, Brighteon, Odysee, Rumble, UGETube
Here Is Our Patriotic Call To Action (Short Version) For Patriots, Governors, Sheriffs & Militia - SIX WATCH OPTIONS: Bitchute, YouTube (Communists Removed It), Facebook, Brighteon, Odysee, Rumble, UGETube
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There are no such things as invasive, infectious, contagious, microbial creatures called "Viruses." There is no PROOF of the existence of "Viruses." There is no true "Science" that supports the existence of "Viruses." No alleged and so-called "Virus" has ever been isolated and purified. Only "Pseudoscience" suggests the existence of "Viruses." Pseudoscience is based upon theories, assumptions, and models. It is promoted to the public by the mainstream media and "scientific community" as being FACT. True "Science" is based upon observable, measurable, documentable, repeatable processes that can be duplicated by other third-party experts. It is hidden from the public and shunned by the mainstream media and "scientific community."
"Viruses" are nothing more than a strategically fabricated, cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised, CONCEPT that is the basis for BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in profits across the education, medical, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Hence, the benefactors of The Big Virus Hoax are going to great lengths to keep their money-making SCHEME alive and profitable. A barrage of financially incentivized experts, videos, blogs, and articles are being sent out across the internet in an all-out effort to promote the existence of "Viruses" while simultaneously endeavoring to defame those who are working to expose this Deceptive Scheme. The fact that they are now asserting controversies over “isolation” and “purification” of “Viruses” is all a matter of "interpretation" and "semantics" indicates they are in a desperate state of panic.
The bogus "CON"-CEPT of "Viruses" is being used to manipulate and control people through ignorance and fear. It makes people more willing to accept and receive unhealthy, poisonous, dangerous, and deadly vaccines. It makes it easier to unlawfully deprive people of their God-given Inalienable Rights. Most significant and important is that it is used as a cover story for Bioweapons that are being released into the atmosphere as aerosol dispersions (Chemtrails), placed into our food and water supplies (quite possibly as mass-manufactured Synthesized Snake Venom), included in vaccines, and is ultimately being used to facilitate a nefarious New World Order Depopulation Campaign. To understand the New World Order Agenda, watch the top two videos on our Videos page!
See The Viral Delusion. This link takes you to a 4 minute introductory video. The entire series is well worth the $11.99 the doctors deserve for putting it together!
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Everything that has been published within this website proves that the so-called "coronavirus global pandemic" is a fabricated HOAX.
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