Vaccines are painful, poisonous, unhealthy, harmful, dangerous, deadly, immoral and ungodly. They are also unnecessary - not needed. The false and misleading concepts of "viruses" and "viral contagion" are the basis for vaccines. If people think "viruses" exist they are vulnerable to manipulation and control through ignorance and fear. They are easily tricked and scared (manipulated) into accepting and receiving vaccinations. The END GAME is for people to not only consent to receiving a vaccine, but to ask for it out of fear of catching a "virus" that does NOT even exist. That is the ONLY way they will be able to inject nanotech microchips into every person on earth so they can use high frequency 5G radiation to tag, track, keep tabs of and score each and every person - their human herd of cattle. Perhaps they will even send signals that will make people ill or kill them. That makes this THE ONLY ISSUE WE SHOULD ALL BE CONCERNED ABOUT. Everything else is a diversion and distraction.
Vaccines are a mad scientist’s experiment with the human body. They are a concoction of harmful chemicals (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, acetone and others) and even cells from aborted babies that are injected into the bloodstream – probably just for sport. Many people have been injured by them, deformed by them, paralyzed by them and killed by them. If that was not true, the government would not have established the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) - a multi-billion-dollars fund designated to compensate victims. If you, your child or someone you know is a victim who has been injured by a vaccine, seek the overdue compensation that is more than deserved. Otherwise, do not get injected with chemicals, poisons and aborted baby parts. Tell others about this website - warn others about the dangers of vaccines. Also see The Poisoned Needle - an archive of scientific data that addresses diseases and vaccines going back as early as the 1880s, compiled by Eleanor McBean in 1954.