Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Molecular Biologist who received his training and degrees from Duke University, South Carolina Medical University and MIT. In his video above he reviews the science and proves that the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" was and is a HOAX based upon "false science." He proves deception, fraud and malfeasance.
There are many highly qualified scientists and doctors with impressive backgrounds and degrees who all concur with one another that there are no such things as "viruses." We endeavor to include as many such "experts" as we can into all of our pages, as well as links to pages within other websites wherein additional such scientists and doctors are present - like this large and growing group of scientists and doctors who all question the mainstream hypothesis concerning "viruses," which includes AIDS (HIV). Dr. T.C. Fry exposes the TRUTH behind the AIDS hoax within his highly acclaimed book: The Great AIDS Hoax.
NOTE: When we did a Google search for the book, The Great AIDS Hoax - by Dr. T.C. Fry, the top #1 search result brought us to this Amazon.com page where the book sells for $293.48. We have seen it listed as high as $500.00. That is called trying to keep the Truth out of reach from the people. We took the time to make PDFs of every single page of the book and published within our website so anybody who wants to read it can do so for FREE. Your welcome!
If you want to question the reliability and veracity of one, or maybe even 2 or 3 scientists and doctors who disagree with the mainstream hypothesis and media-driven narratives concerning "viruses," that might be understandable - although their claims should still be worth looking into. When there are four or more, as is the case within this website - along with links to hundreds of others - then it becomes an information war and a battle for minds. Those who utilize their own God-given intelligence, reason and common sense will find themselves aligning with those who oppose the mainstream. When will the truth become mainstream?
The current mainstream has a multi-billion-dollar per year motive and incentive to lie, as well as the motive and incentive of being able to increase government control over "We The People" with the scary concept of an "invisible enemy." We can fight back with the Patriot Action Plan.
There are three classifications of scientific & medical mindset when it comes to knowing about and understanding so-called "viruses":
1.) Scientists and doctors who believe in and promote the mainstream hypothesis and narratives, which are the ones that support the status quo. Their motives and incentives may include: power, control, pride, ego, money, job security.
2.) Scientists and doctors who think "viruses" exist due to their traditional schooling and training, but they do not necessarily believe in and subscribe to the mainstream hypothesis and narratives. They are confused, not sure what to think, shifty in their views and understanding and will shy away or backdown from critical and empirical questioning - often closing with: "That is not my area of expertise." They are still learning.
3.) Scientists and doctors who know and understand that there are no such things as "viruses." They know the Latin origin of the word "virus" means "poison" and that there are no such things as "invisible enemies" or green and red "monster blobs" like those depicted in artistic illustrations and 3D animations, which are alleged by the mainstream to attack cells within the human body causing illnesses and diseases that may result in death. They know that microscopic particles seen under scanning electron microscopes, which the mainstream refers to as "viruses," are nothing more than fragmented mitochondrial cell debris from expired cells - and possibly exosomes that are excreted from cells to gobble up poisons and carry them back to the cells to be transported out of the body. They know the reasons why people get sick and die.