1.) The mainstream media thrives on sensationalism, exaggerations and even outright lies.
Do YOU believe them? Case closed.
2,) Many doctors have come forward indicating they have been instructed by the CDC to document all deaths as being from COVID-19 regardless of the actual manner of death. That is what is called Cooking The Books. Additionally, hospitals are paid $`17,000 per bed for every patient they document as "COVID" and $39,000 for every patient they document as "COVID" who dies in their care. That is called incentivising patient classifications and deaths.
3.) Every year 500,000 to 1 million people die from the regular "seasonal flu," but we never hear about them in the mainstream media. Another 1 - 2 million people die every year from tuberculosis, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses, but we never hear about them in the mainstream media either. They are simply having their television personalities with their scripted presentations and highly paid guest "experts" pointing to those deaths and claiming they are from COVID-19.
4.) Review, analyze, contemplate and digest everything within this website and you will know with 100% certainty and confidence that "viruses" and "viral contagion" do NOT exist. There are no such things as "viruses" and "viral contagion." In fact, "viruses" and "viral contagion" are nothing more than cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised CONCEPTS that have been strategically fabricated over the years to funnel tens of billions of tax-payer funded government dollars into the education, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as to enable governments to easily manipulate and control people through ignorance and fear - stripping them of their individual God-given Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods.
5.) Their ultimate goal is government-mandated forced vaccinations for every man, woman and child. Why? Aside from their enormously profitable government contracts, it is because that is the only way they will be able to get nanotechnologies inside of all people. They intend to use such nanotechnology-laden vaccines along with harmful high frequency 5G radiation signals and social engineering tactics to tag, track, monitor, and control all people. If people believe "viruses" and "viral contagion" really do exist they will be that much easier to persuade and much more willing to receive vaccines. The vaccines will be a serum laced with nanotechnologies that will work in conjunction with high frequency 5G radiation waves. They will be able to send out various signals and amplify frequencies to make people sick and/or kill them. Then they will claim the deaths are from a "virus." How convenient is that? Are you going to be a part of their high tech herd controlling system? If not, JOIN THE RESISTANCE.