Most people believe the myth of so-called "viruses" as they are conveyed to the public by the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries - industries that work hand-in-hand with one another to profit in the billions of dollars annually with their strategically fabricated concepts. This includes the big chemical companies that supply unnatural toxins and poisons, which are used in the manufacturing of their products, treatments, remedies and cures.
These industries are constantly using the mainstream media... "FAKE NEWS"... to spew out cleverly concocted and cunningly crafted narratives that are tactfully designed to fill people's minds with fear and ultimately drive them to the point of purchase. Essentially, they pay the media to say whatever they want them to say. Just as the medical industry is dead without "viruses" and "viral contagion" - they would go back to just mending broken bones, stitching open wounds and saying: "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning!" - so too is the media dead without sponsors. The big corporations are their sponsors. The mainstream media is nothing more than the mouthpiece for the mega corporations. The "career politicians" are their bed-buddies and puppets who give them the laws and protections they want. Hence, so many of them are bought off, bribed and paid for.
What better money-maker and controlling mechanism over the people could the corporations and their government bed-buddies possibly ask for other than an "invisible phantom enemy"? In fact, they have an entire fleet: CORONAVIRUS, COVID-19, AIDS, HIV, HERPES, CHICKEN POX, MEASLES, MUMPS... and the list of scary sounding names goes on and on.
The truth is all illnesses and diseases are a result of toxins within the human body - especially manufactured chemicals, pestasides, drugs, vaccines, etc., which are sold to the people for great profits. They profit on both ends - making people sick and providing treatments afterwards.
Chemicals and radiation cause cancer. Cancer, like all other diseases, is simply the destruction of the body's cells from toxins and an overreaction of the immune system endeavoring to keep the body alive by consuming, trapping and isolating the toxins in the infected region(s). Toxins and poisons cause sores, sickness, illnesses and diseases. Parasites can co-mingle with toxins and poisons to cause the same effects and results that the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries prefer to call "viruses." By calling them "viruses" they become incurable and unbeatable. Thus, the people become helplessly dependent upon the government and corporations to treat them... and to tell them what to do.
Clearly, the feigned and sophisticated orchestration of the "coronavirus global pandemic" has stripped the people of their Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods - and it has filled them with fear. Like helpless sheep they all sit in front of their television sets waiting to hear what their government tells them to do next. Here is what you can do: turn off your television set and start taking care of your own health. You can also initiate the Patriot Action Plan in your community. Become a LEADER.
Dr. Hulda Clark and Health Practitioner, Tom Barnett, (below) both use the term "viruses" in their information and discussions, but they do so in context with it being a process... a "viral process"... not an "invisible phantom enemy" or scary little green or red "monster blob" as is depicted in virtually all mainstream illustrations and animations along with misinformation that asserts they breed on shopping carts and blow around in the air.
It can also be noted that there exists a vast array of scientists, professors, and doctors in multiple fields of science and medicine who are all qualified as "expert witnesses" that sit on opposite sides of a courtroom. One will argue on behalf of any mega corporation that pays them handsomely to spout off a narrative supportive of their profitable agenda, while the other will express totally contrary views and opinions. In the end, the judge decides. You be the judge. Question all things. Use your God-given intelligence, reason and common sense. And you will be a great judge.
Sometimes we must look at both sides in order to arrive at the truth. If only one side is presented, as is the case with all mainstream narratives, the truth will remain hidden. When you have multiple scientists and doctors who all agree that "viruses" as "invisible phantom enemies" and scary green and red "monster blobs" breeding on shopping carts and blowing around in the wind do not exist, then you have support for what is otherwise simply common sense.
When you get to the point of knowing and understanding exactly what a so-called "virus" is, even based upon the definition established by those who cunningly crafted the concept, i.e., a "non-living particle" up to "500 times smaller than bacteria" that can only be seen "under a scanning electron microscope," which must be "in a vacuum" and therefore "cannot be wet or moist" so it is "chemically treated"... then it becomes much easier to ask questions like:
- Who is ANYBODY to assert that a "non-living particle" called a "virus" can be "killed" with soap and water?
- Who is ANYBODY to assert that a "non-living particle" called a "virus" can "live" for so many days on this or that object?
- Who is ANYBODY to declare where they are and how they get around?
The CONCEPT of "viruses" as "invisible phantom enemies" and scary little green and red "monster blobs" attacking cells is utterly ridiculous. It is absurdity to the maximum degree.
It is clear they are only looking at tiny microscopic specs within and without of cells under a scanning electron microscope - specs that are nothing more than cell debris, if not exosomes going about their business of gobbling up poisons within the body. This is what scientists and doctors who do not work for the mega corporations are saying. This makes it much easier to utilize your God-given reason and common sense and to take note of the many contradictions that are being spewed out by the mainstream media and their "experts" both of whom are paid for by the mega corporations that are polluting the earth and poisoning humanity for profits.
NOTE: Science and medicine have always been evolving fields of study and have always had so-called "expert witnesses" on both sides of any issue. Many will even change their views and opinions when presented with additional information and alternative perspectives. Dr. Hulda Clark, PhD, comes from an era when the concept of "viruses" began to really take hold. The mainstream scientific and medical communities were really capitalizing on their "virus" concept in the 70s and 80s when STDs, HIV and AIDS were the hot topics of the day. They have soared to new heights since then, both in profits and propaganda. Despite how the mainstream narratives of her day may have influenced her choice of words and manner of communicating, Dr. Clark took the position that all illnesses and diseases, which the mainstream scientific and medical communities were claiming were the results of "viruses," were actually resulting from toxins and parasites - often in concert with one another. She suggested that toxins created a breeding ground and place of harbor wherein parasites could fester. While we do not agree with all her opinions, we certainly agree with her opinions concerning toxins and parasites. Today, there exists information and opinions from other scientists and doctors that did not exist in her day. But her books A Cure for All Diseases and A Cure for Cancer are valid, worthy and proven.
NOTE: Dr. Clark's summary below may be confusing for some as she does not make it very clear whether she believes an actual "virus" or a "parasite" causes "Herpes." For clarity of understanding the words of Dr. Clark, below, she initially refers to "viruses" in the way they are widely understood by the medical community and the general population in order to make her point. Then she asserts her opinion that the "virus" or "herpes" - the manifestation or outbreak thereof - is a result of "parasites." The fact that she initially lays out the widely understood and accepted "theory" - referencing "viruses" - and then subsequently asserts her opinion that "Herpes," which she may be referencing as the "virus" and/or vice versa, lives in the nerve centers confuses some people. Parasites are alive and may live in the nerve centers. Alleged and so-called "viruses" do not live anywhere - they are not alive. Hence, she is seemingly suggesting that living parasites are carrying the effects or manifestations of "Herpes," i.e., carrying "Herpes" or carrying the "manifestations of the virus" (one in the same), which she may be referencing as the "virus," to the area of the outbreak. It is also possible that she, like so many medical professionals, actually believes that "viruses" exist. So she is contorting the two concepts in conjunction with one another. Ultimately, she is providing valuable and useful information concerning the treatment and elimination of "Herpes," which the mainstream medical establishment asserts there is no cure for. There is a cure - there is both prevention and a cure, which has everything to do with your health and immune system!
There was far less known in her time about alleged and so-called "viruses." And there were far fewer people questioning the assertion and assumption that "viruses" exist. Perhaps she believed "viruses" exist? Perhaps she was just trying to skate over thin ice with her choice of wording, as she asserted her hypothesis and opinion? We know "viruses" as invasive, infectious, contagious entities have NEVER been proven to exist. That is what we are calling out and challenging... along with standing up for our Freedoms, Liberties and Rights under Law - God-Given Law!
Peace, Love & Happiness
Mike & Brian