Strong, intelligent, confident, fearless and brave American citizens must communicate, unite, organize and establish relationships with like-minded individuals in their communities (cities or counties). They MUST create groups of at least 300 people strong with a chain of command consisting of Leaders and Warriors. Establish strong and diverse lines of communications through phone, email, social media and handheld radios. Plan and prepare for mass peaceful protests, while being prepared to bear arms under the authority and protection of the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, if need be. Before and during the process of carrying out peaceful protests in opposition to any issue that your Patriot Action Plan group collectively agrees is a violation of their Constitutional Rights and God-given Inalienable Rights, the group should put the government authorities, including police officers, on notice as follows:
"We are here to peacefully protest against the city, county, state or federal mandate that you have issued and/or come to enforce because it is unlawful, unconstitutional and violates our individual and collective Rights. This is a warning. Do not attempt to touch or apprehend any one of us. If you do, each one of us will step in to defend one another... by force, if need be. If you initiate and pursue force and violence against any one of us, you will be doing so against all of us. Leave us alone while we carry on with our peaceful protest and the exercise of our Constitutional and God-given Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods. We kindly and respectfully urge you to not interfere. Thank you!"
At the place of peaceful protest, have a representative from your Patriot Action Plan group make calm, peaceful, polite, courteous and respectful contact with the Officer in Charge on the scene. Provide an official copy of the Patriot Action Plan (above) and its stated rules of engagement to the Officer in Charge. (Patriot Action Plan PDF COMING SOON).
NOTE: Like both legislative statutes and regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review and may be overturned if the orders lack support by statute or the Constitution of the United States of America. Many Americans are rightfully of the mindset and position that any law, even if established by the Supreme Court, may be Unconstitutional - especially and particularly if and when such a law violates the moral and ethical principles that govern individual sovereignty, i.e., government-mandated forced vaccinations. There are MANY people who will gladly fight to the death against such.