Radiation also causes cell damage, which can cause an immune system response. Radiation can also result in cell death. For these reasons many have postulated that radiation poisoning and radiation sickness is a bonified basis for human illness and death. The increased electrification and radiation of our world with radar and radio systems began in the early 1900s just before the so-called "Spanish Flu" outbreak, which killed more than 50,000,000 people. Wireless radiation systems and radio waves have climaxed in the year 2020 with the release of dangerous 5G technology in Wuhan, China, and throughout the world. Since 5G was implemented within a year or so of the so-called "coronavirus global pandemic," it is certainly reasonable to suspect a correlation.
All of the above are dealt with through the body's natural process of phagocytosis, which is the human immune system acting as a vacuum cleaner and filtration system within the blood and tissues going about the job of engulfing all such toxins, emulsifying them and turning them into solvents to rid them from the body through perspiration, mucus excretions, stool and urine. When the buildup of toxins is extreme, illnesses ensue. This results in more extreme ways in which the body is reacting to the toxins and endeavoring to rid them from the body, which may include fever, vomiting and diarrhea. If the immune system has been weakened and impaired illnesses and diseases will be far more extreme and the likelihood of death will be much greater.
NOTE: Exosomes are tiny microscopic vesicles that are excreted from cells when certain toxins (poisons) are present in the body. They go out to engulf the toxins (poisons) to help protect and heal the cells and the body. These vesicles have been wrongfully referred to as "viruses" simply because of their size, appearance and the way they behave. This is a seemingly deliberate misinterpretation of exosomes in an effort to rationalize the existence of "viruses," which otherwise would not exist.
The CONCEPT of “viruses” and “viral contagion” was, and is, a cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised, strategically fabricated means of funneling billions of taxpayer-funded dollars into the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries, which has been sanctioned throughout the years by the many corrupt career politicians who have been in bed with, and in the back pockets of, the corporate executives who own and control these industries. But not just these industries. There are a great many corporations who profit in the billions annually by creating products that are harmful to human health and wellness.
NOTE: White blood cells, also called leukocytes, protect us against illness and disease. They flow through our bloodstream to fight foreign invaders (bacteria, mold, parasites) and toxic waste (poisons) that threaten our health. Alcohol kills white blood cells. Drugs kill white blood cells. Radiation kills white blood cells. Since our white blood cells help to keep us healthy and well, why kill them? Keep your immune system strong by taking good care of your health.
The alcohol industry profits in the billions annually. The tobacco industry profits in the billions annually. Frankly, the junk food industries do too. How many types of businesses might you imagine that will encompass? The bottom line is this: People are getting sick, and ultimately dying miserable deaths, as a result of their consumption. The things they put into their minds and bodies is wreaking havoc upon their health and wellbeing. Do politicians care? No. Maybe a handful. Do executives of companies that make billions of dollars per year in profits selling products that contribute to failing health, sicknesses and disease care? No. In fact, these corrupt politicians and corporate executives who are making billions of dollars per year in profits need a scapegoat to blame.
They all need something to place the blame upon, rather than losing their billions of dollars in government funding and their corporate profits. The education, medical and pharmaceutical industries want to keep receiving their billions of dollars each year in government taxpayer-funded revenues for their so-called research and non-profit organizations. The big corporations want a reason for illnesses and deaths that is something other than the products they are producing and selling. Alas: The “Virus” and “Viral Contagion.”
Aside from their multi-billion dollar per year motivations and incentives, their ultimate objective is to establish government-mandated forced vaccinations upon every man, woman and child. With ever-evolving advancements in technologies, which is allegedly some 50 years ahead of public knowledge, vaccines will most likely contain nanotechnology microchips with 24x7x365 tracking capabilities. Concepts of "viruses," "viral contagion" and "global pandemics" have proven to be the perfect weapon for creating fear, mass hysteria and global control over the people. It will go hand-in-hand with government controlled Social Engineering. Will you submit, or fight back? How to fight back? Here is how: The Patriot Action Plan